Our Courses


Curso in Company

Oferecemos cursos sobre Tratamento Térmico com turmas exclusivas para colaboradores da empresa do cliente. Aumente a performance da sua equipe por meio de capacitações com profissionais de renome e experiência na indústria.

Para mais informações e orçamentos converse com nossos técnicos pelo WhatsApp (51) 99354-3457 ou preencha o formulário de contato.

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Treatment - Steel

Aulas ao vivo: 18 e 25/08 e 1, 8, 15 e 22/09.

Steel is the most used metal in the world, especially in industry, where it is worked for the most diverse applications. Our course aims to share technical knowledge and experience on heat treatment in this metal. Learn in practice with renowned professionals and industry experience!

The course has theoretical content and practical exercises, in addition to the presentation of case examples, essays, large metallurgical tests and a lot of exchange of experiences! The activities are aimed at all professionals linked to metallurgy, from managers to the operational sector.


Treatment - Aluminium

Aulas online nos dias 23/06, 30/06, 07/07 e 14/07

Learn about Heat Treatment on Earth's most abundant metallic element, with classes taught by renowned professionals and industry experience. Our course aims to share technical knowledge and experiences about heat treatment in aluminum.

The course has theoretical content and practical exercises, in addition to the presentation of case examples, essays, large metallurgical tests and a lot of exchange of experiences! The activities are aimed at all professionals linked to metallurgy, from managers to the operational sector.

Depoimentos de quem já fez Nossos Curso

Ademar Trevisan Candido

Ademar Trevisan Candido
Pessoa Física – Engenheiro Mecânico

Daniela Aline Martins

Daniela Aline Martins
Martins Representações

Samuel da Rocha

Samuel da Rocha
Formando de engenharia da UFRGS