what moves us

Desenvolver e industrializar soluções térmicas personalizadas que agreguem valor aos clientes, acionistas, colaboradores, fornecedores e sociedade.

our look into the future

Ser referência em soluções tecnológicas em aquecimento para a indústria.

a base da empresa

  • Desafios industriais e tecnológicos
  • Cooperação constante
  • Adaptabilidade em projetos
  • Respeito e ética nas relações
  • Responsabilidade e segurança em nossas atividades
  • Comprometimento com os clientes internos e externos
  • Confiabilidade nas soluções apresentadas e serviços prestados
  • Qualidade em produtos e processos


Grefortec has a strict quality management system, as we are concerned with maintaining high standards for our customers. And that's why all our products and services are ISO 9001:2015 certified

5S Program

The entire organization of our processes undergoes an internal audit taking into account the 5 elements of the Japanese “5S” methodology. They are: use, order, cleanliness, discipline, hygiene, tidiness and health.

Occupational Safety Standards

We believe that the well-being and safety of employees is an industry responsibility and we make a point of doing this duty.

Safe equipment

Our equipment includes Brazilian Occupational Health and Safety Standards, with NR 10, NR 12, NR 17, Preliminary Risk Analysis Report, Certification Reports and Effective Art.

Laboratory tests

We have a dedicated laboratory and equipment for quality analysis, fire reaction test and fire prevention.

Training of Professionals

GREFORTEC contributes to the growth of the gaucho industry by conducting immersion courses in the heat treatment of metals throughout the year.