Flexiclean® Washers


Flexiclean® washers are automatic parts washing machines with technology patented by Aichelin. It is indicated where the highest levels of purity are required and/or geometrically complex components must be cleaned.

Seus componentes essenciais incluem uma câmara de limpeza a vácuo e tanques isolados para até três agentes de limpeza, com uma bomba de vácuo e uma bomba de spray para cada tanque. Além disso, esse modelo também conta com uma unidade de separação de óleo e um sistema de aquecimento.

This model can be used in several application processes, such as: post-hardening, post-machining, parts with cavities, complex geometries and maintenance.

Construction Features:

  • Vapor de baixa pressão “Vacupearl®”, que atua melhorando o efeito de limpeza, mesmo em áreas inacessíveis;
  • Vacuum drying unit to obtain completely dry components;
  • Oil separation for each tank;
  • Troca de resistência sem esvaziar o tanque;
  • Low residual water and exhaust air content;
  • Short cycles and low energy consumption;
  • It contemplates the Brazilian Occupational Health and Safety Standards with: NR 10, NR 12, NR 17, Preliminary Risk Analysis report, certification reports and effectiveness ART.

Low pressure boiling Vacupearl®:

Aichelin's patented Vacupearl® system works by creating a vacuum above the level of the bath. This causes the cleaning fluid to begin to “boil” and steam bubbles to predominantly form on the surface of the workpiece.

This provides numerous advantages such as increased fluid movement on the component surface, detergents are delivered directly to the part and do not need to be diffused through the liquid barrier.

Vacuum Drying:

Vacuum drying allows difficult areas such as blind holes, thin grease holes and even suction chambers to dry completely.

Generally, 0.1 – 0.3% of the weight of the load in water will adhere to the workpieces, hence the importance of effective drying.

Grefortec Maintenance

We have a qualified team to handle corrective and preventive maintenance on industrial equipment from our brand and also from other manufacturers. Our professionals are trained and qualified in accordance with the Safety Regulations. We go to your company to carry out maintenance on site.


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It is the Grefortec maintenance satisfaction index

Renovations and Retrofit

Team specialized in general renovations, recovering everything from the structure and plating to the electronic parts. Grefortec also has Know-how for retrofit services, refractory and insulation reforms.


Our technical team is available for you with the possibility of carrying out maintenance in loco, without the need to travel. We come to your company!

Spare Parts

Resistors, radiant tubes, conveyor chains, atmosphere recirculators, baskets, grids and miscellaneous items:




Radiant Tubes




Atmosphere Circulators


Baskets and Grilles


Miscellaneous items

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